Hair transplantation

Hair loss or baldness at any age can be a constant source of stress. Even a significant thinning of the hair today is not a cause for despair.

   Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure of hair transplantation in which one’s own hair is transferred to the bald spot from the back of the head or scalp. Donor hair roots are practically healthy throughout life and retain their anatomical and physiological features. Hair transplantation is based on the transfer of hair roots from denser areas to missing areas. Thus, redistribution of one's own hair takes place 

During one procedure, it is possible to transplant up to 4000 micro or mini grafts, each of which contains 1-4 hair roots, which provides a natural look with maximum density after transplantation.

Hair transplantation in our clinic is performed in comfortable conditions on an outpatient basis. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and lasts from 2 to 8 hours, depending on the number of grafts to be transplanted. The visitor does not feel pain, can watch TV or listen to music. You can wash Your head 3 days after the transplantation, and return to the normal rhythm of life in 5-6 days. After 2-3 months, new hair begins to grow, which will last a lifetime.

The final cosmetic result can be evaluated after six months. Transplanted hair does not need special care. They grow at the same rate, retaining their primary characteristics. Hair can be cut, shaved and styled.











































Hair transplant instructions.

  • Androgenetic hair loss (alopecia) in men and women.
  • Scarring alopecia, caused by face and head surgery, injuries, and certain inflammatory diseases of the skin.
  • Absence or thinning of hair in the forehead corners, as well as high placement of the hairline front line (mostly hereditary).
  • Restoration of eyebrows and facial hair.
  • Correction of the forehead line after unsuccessful epilation.

Contraindications to hair transplantation.

  • Insufficient amount of hair in the donor area.
  • Allergic reactions to local anesthetic medications.
  • Exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the hair covering.
  • Total (widespread) hair loss.