
    The skin is the largest protective organ in a person, which tells how healthy a person is.

It is difficult to list all the symptoms of skin diseases, it is closely related to endocrinology, venereology, oncology, allergology and other medical fields. You should consult a dermatologist if the following changes occur:

  • Treatment of fungal diseases
  • Treatment of rubromycosis
  • Treatment of parasitic skin diseases
  • Treatment of all types of herpes
  • Treatment of eczema
  • Treatment of toxicoderma
  • Treatment of neuroderma
  • Treatment of psoriasis (long-term remission)
  • Treatment of cheilitis
  • Treatment of demodectic mange
  • Treatment of red flat pityriasis
  • Treatment of pink and discolored pityriasis
  • Hives treatment
  • Treatment of alopecia, etc.