Mesotherapy of the scalp


What kind of scalp care is needed after mesotherapy? 

Hair loss, slow hair growth and other problems associated with the scalp can cause complexes: This time we talked with the cosmetologist of the Da Vinci clinic Narine Tumanyan about one of the most effective ways to solve the above problems-mesotherapy of the scalp.

What is scalp mesotherapy and what problems does it solve.  

Mesotherapy is a recognized injection method in which intradermal and subcutaneous injections are performed and various problems are solved. During mesotherapy of the scalp, medicinal substances are injected directly into the scalp, activating the hair roots and nourishing the scalp.

It is used for various types of hair loss, seborrhea, dermatitis (dermatitis), improves the quality of hair, stimulates their growth.

What drugs are used for injection?

In the case of mesotherapy, the word "medicine" is replaced by a mesococtail, which may include various groups of vitamins, peptides, minerals, hyaluronic acid, etc. The choice of mesococtel depends on the patient's problem.

How many procedures are necessary for the final solution of the problem and after what time you can see a noticeable result.

The number of procedures, of course, depends on the problem, but usually requires an average of 7-12 visits. Injections are given once a week and last from 10 to 15 minutes.

2 months after the start of treatment, you can see a noticeable result. Depending on the problem, patients may feel changes after 3-4 procedures.

We warn patients in advance that if the injections are left unfinished, the result may not please.

What are the contraindications?

  • Hypersensitivity to any component of mesococtel (allergic reaction).
  •  Oncological diseases,
  •  Inflammatory processes of the scalp,
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding,

It is recommended to consult a doctor for medical help, because this can lead to increased pain and decreased effectiveness.

And with what problems of the scalp mesotherapy does not help?

Mesotherapy of the scalp is useless for completely bald people. In this case, only a hair transplant can help.

What kind of scalp care is needed after mesotherapy? 

Immediately after the procedure, no special care is required, just do not wash your hair on the day of the injection. After completing the full course, it is recommended to undergo a one-time procedure once every 2 months in order to better preserve the result.

Is the procedure painful or not?

The pain is bearable. Injections are carried out with a thin needle. Everything is done to make the process comfortable for the patient.




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